Thursday 14 July 2011


Have you ever been lost?  So lost that you don't know who you are or what you want to do.

When the sadness has all gotten too much.  When the feeling of being unloved has become overwhelming.  When despite everything you've tried, nothing seems to have worked out the way you wanted?

You are in the forest.  And it can be dark in there.

The things you thought you once wanted, no longer call to you.

The person you once thought you were, stripped away.

And just no direction.  No clear sense of what to do next.

Just lost.  In the forest.

It's the falseness slipping away.  All the false faces you wore.  All the false dreams you carried.

You are being stripped naked.  Back to the core.  Back to who you really are.

And you will find at your core, strength.  A strength you never even knew you had.  Peace, a peace you never knew before.  Acceptance with the coming and going tides of life.

You are going back to your essence.  Back to your home.  The home that has always been inside you, all along.

Your answers aren't 'out there'.  They never were.  Your answers are inside you.  Locked deep within you.  You just need to quieten the noise and listen.  Listen to who you really are.

That is what the forest is for...


Janie said...

you can't know how your writing's touch me so....yes i've been lost, yet i'm finding myself even now. love ya sister. janie

Writer Unleashed said...

I think this post describes what the past two years have been like for me. When I write, I seem to access a deeper wiser part of myself. It's as if through writing I understand myself and what I've been going through.

These past two years have been raw. Have stripped me to nakedness in my soul. Only someone that's been there, can understand.

I just trust now that it's all been for a good reason. If sharing it with you, helps in any small way then it's all been worthwhile :)

Love you Janie xxx