Friday 22 July 2011

Beautiful Lady Fox

 One day, I sat down in the woods. Peaceful, quiet, no-one around - bliss!

And then ever so quietly, a female fox came to say hello. She checked me out, looked at me with such intelligence in her eyes. I felt humbled. We communicated but not a word was said. I think in my mind, I just said, "Hello" to her and trusted that she heard me. :)  Can we talk to animals?  Yes, I think so but not in words, in the 'energy' we give off to them.  They know who you are, without a single word being spoken.

After a while, of checking me out, she sat down. Not too close, just at arm's length as if she just knew how long my arms were. She sat facing me, still looking at me. I looked at her back.

And then she turned her back on me, and laid down, still in the same spot, an arm's length away and then I knew she trusted me. Animals never turn their back on people they don't trust. I was honoured.

She was beautiful and serene.  She was peaceful.  I know foxes get such a bad name but all they are doing is what they need to do, to live.  Nothing more.  She was beautiful and I'll never forget the time she spent with me.

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