Friday 8 July 2011

Gypsy In My Heart

 There's a gypsy in my heart,
Though I may walk quietly,
I long to walk barefoot on the grass,
And dance,
Because I feel,
I feel things so much,
When it rains,
I want you there with me,
You and me together,
The rain making us both wet,
I want you there,
Pulling my hair,
Pulling me close to you.
There's a gypsy in my heart,
Full of passion,
I feel so much,
A child's laugh warms my heart,
Puppies' tails make me smile,
The eyes of an old lady burn into my heart,
Who is she? What life has she known?
There's a gypsy in my heart,
I want to be free,
I want to be wild,
Like a child,
Free without a care,
Flicking my curly hair,
Dancing bare feet,
Moving to the beat,
I like it tribal, I like to dance,
Flowers grow,
And I wonder at how they are so beautiful,
So perfect,
A twig, so amazing,
How did things get to be so wonderful,
I am in awe at it all,
Life is an adventure,
All the people that walk past,
Different stories,
Entertain me,
But I am a gypsy at heart,
Wild, at home in the forest,
Bare feet,
And loving you.


Janie said...

this so describes who you are jacqui! love it and love you! Janie

Writer Unleashed said...

Thank you Janie :) As you said, I am like a child :)

Janie said...

yes you are and i love that about you!