Saturday 26 February 2011


I give myself permission to be me - just me.
To like myself. To love myself.
To allow myself to be who I am.
To speak my truth when I need to,
To keep quiet when I don't.
I give myself permission to approve of myself,
Even when others don't.
Even when others don't understand,
Or don't want to understand,
I give myself permission to be me.
I give myself authority,
To be wisdom in my mind,
In my life,
To make up my own mind on things,
And not be swayed by pressure,
But to listen to what 'feels right' to me.
I give myself permission.
I give myself permission,
To walk my path,
Even when others say they know an easier way,
I know the lessons I need to learn.
I give myself permission.
I give myself time,
To step off from the world when I need to,
To settle back in my own skin,
To get to know myself again.
I give  myself permission.
I give myself permission,
To quieten my fearful mind,
To rise out and above the box it seeks to contain me in,
I give myself permission.


Janie said...

only a kindred spirit would know me so well and be able to write about it. i did read last night when i returned home from some meetings but was so moved i couldn't even comment. i am still speechless...not only because of this post but the love i feel from you dear sister friend.
will miss you...see you soon. love, janie

moonchild said...

This is lovely, thank you. Funny I came across your poem the day after I watched 2 TED talks on accepting yourself, "the power of vulnerability", and how to foster health - one of which the key is to foster a healthy relationship with yourself. I strive to be myself so much more than ever before as I feel that I am overcoming a huge stage in my life that is changing everything I know about the world. This was a real piece of delight.

Writer Unleashed said...

It's hard to be yourself in a world that is constantly telling you not to be. I hope your journey to yourself is a success.