Wednesday 2 March 2011

The Quiet Ones

They were the quiet ones.  The ones that knew in their heart and in their soul that life should be about more than slavery to money.

They were the ones that knew that war was wrong and no excuse, ever, could justify it.

They were the ones that knew there was more to life than chasing paper money.  More to life than shopping and traffic.

They were the ones that knew, in their hearts, that all life is connected - the plants, the trees, animals, humankind.

And the world was noisy.  And politicians droned.  And banks bullied.  And bosses exploited.  And tvs hypnotised.  And newspapers created realities.  And traffic congested.  And people hurried.

And the quiet ones watched on...
...for a time...
...and then they began to speak, quietly at first...
...and hearts and minds connected and voices grew more confident...more wise...
...more assured...
...and the world was still noisy...
...but if you listened, another sound could now be heard...
...a harmony, a hum..
...quiet voices blending, growing louder...
...and more beautiful... was the quiet ones speaking...
...and sharing their voices with the world...
...and theirs was a different kind of energy...
...peaceful and loving...
...growing stronger...
...every day...
...they were the quiet ones...
...and they had found their voice.

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