I came to visit you last night in my dream.
I came to tell you the truth. The truth you needed to hear - that they never told you. You needed to hear it so much.
I told you that you wasn't bad. It was just them, blaming you because they weren't big enough to admit they were wrong. They were struggling too. They let you down and told you it was your fault but you were beautiful - it was never your fault. You looked at me with eyes so grateful. You needed to hear those words. You needed to have someone on your side. I know you believed me. You were so relieved that someone understood. You smiled at me.
I gave you presents. Lots and lots of presents. The presents they never gave you. You told me you didn't want presents but I knew you did. You needed to be given things because you gave so much. Someone needed to give to you. I gave you clothes - you looked so pretty. You said you didn't want them, but I saw the twinkle in your eye as you saw how lovely you looked. You looked beautiful.
I took you to get a haircut. No-one had cut your hair. You looked so pretty with nice hair. I could see you smile at yourself in the mirror. You felt confident for once.
I hugged you. I hugged you so hard and you surrendered. You soaked up my love like a sponge soaks up water. You needed it. I hugged you so hard and stroked your beautiful soft hair. Your eyes went soft as you relaxed and allowed me to love you. You cried.
I told you, you were beautiful. I looked into your face and told you all the things you needed to hear. I told you the truth. You sat and listened. Unaccustomed to hearing such kind words. I told you to believe me. I told you it was the truth. You nodded your head and took in my words.
I told you to be strong. I told you to remember who you are. I told you to understand that the people around you were unable to love and that you must stay true to yourself and protect your loving heart. I told you to always be loving but most especially, to love yourself as they were not able to. You nodded and understood your responsibility. I could see the weight settle on your shoulders.
I wanted to take the weight off but I knew I couldn't. I knew you were where you had to be, for the time being at least. And then I had to leave. I told you that I would always be with you in thought. Always. And with a heavy heart I left you.
May you be well, beautiful. May you always know that you are loved. I am with you always.
not only is this a love letter to yourself my sister, but i felt like it was a letter you had written to me! you always touch me to my core. xoxo
this was so healing for me to write, i cannot tell you. as if i as an adult, reached back into my past, and gave me the love i needed. i cannot tell you how healing that was (i know i'm repeating myself).
yes, it is for you too. to the beautiful young girl, surrounded by people who were just a little bit lost. yes, it is for you too.
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