Wednesday, 20 July 2011

What if?

What if I never wrote.  What if I never shared the things I've come to understand.  What if I never tried to communicate the way things have been for me and how I've tried to overcome them?

When I first started writing 'out loud' and sharing the world I'd kept hidden away for so long, the world inside me, I felt so vulnerable and naked.  What if I was wrong?  What if the things I said sounded stupid?  Oh boy, did I cringe when I first started 'opening up'.

But people were kind and encouraged me, and I grew in confidence.  Some even thanked me, and told me my words had helped them see another way.  So I carried on writing.

I don't feel scared to say how it is for me anymore.  I don't have all the answers.  Sometimes the things I write, I have to go back and 'update' as I change my perspective and understanding.  But that's okay.  Really, I only have my answers.  I don't have answers for anyone else.  I don't know what's true for anyone else.  I find it hard to know what's true for me!

I just think we all help each other along.  Sometimes I'll write something, and the feedback I get, opens my eyes to something I hadn't seen before.  Sometimes the things I write open someone else's eyes to the things they hadn't seen before.

There are no experts.  All I can ever do is share my experience.  I'm not an expert.  Nor an authority.  And my 'voice' is no more right and no more important than yours.

If something I mention, inspires someone else to spurt new leafs and grow a little more then that's good.  And I have had lots of other people do the same for me, even if they had no idea that the smallest sentence could awaken a new part of me.

We are all wise.  If we let ourselves be.  If we trust in ourselves and our own good judgement.